Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Geez, I haven't made many websties lately and I wish I could get my site skills up to par with what they were last year when I was in Advanced Webmaster. I miss both that class and Mrs. Sanchez cuz she was a cool teacher and wrote grants that gotr the school thousands of dollars in Software and new equipment.

Here are a few ideas for new webpages
(as of 12/31/03) It's New Year's Eve!!!

***Tutorial for people trying to find software keys and
how they can simply search google to find major ones.

***Index of all my Favorite Websites organized with the javascript I'm already using at:

***Site for the Park High Geyser***
Put my tech articles on my own website!!!

**Sell Something like my Star Wars Poster or who knows what?!

**Think of something new (it'll probably come into my head a few moments after I post this!!

Worms Armageddon Guide