Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Keep Putting Condoms On For Great Sex
King Philip Could Only Find Green Socks
"King Phillip Cried Out, "For Goodness Sake!"

The phrase "We guarantee certainty, clearly referring to this light mnemonic." represents the speed of light in meters per second through the number of letters in each word: 299,792,458.

Mohs Scale of Hardness

Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Orthoclase, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond

Tall Gypsies Can Fight And Order Queens To Carry Diamonds
Tom Gave Candice Flowers After Obviously Questioning Their Child's DNA.
Tall Girls Can Flirt And Other Queer Things Castrate Donkeys

Elements in the Earth's Crust

Only Silly Asses in College Make Salmon Pies

The Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior form the word HOMES.

The order of the Great Lakes from west to east is Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario:

  • Sally Made Harry Eat Onions.