Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Friday, April 02, 2004

WinMx again is very cool and now that I've got a wireless connection at home I've been having a lot of fun downloading songs without tying up the phone line. Last night I found a Monty Python song called "Always look on the bright side of Life". I think I remember Bret performing it in Poetry class.

About 2 weeks ago I left my CD case in the computer lab and I thought someone from 5th or 7th period had stolen it. I thought from that moment on that I had just lost and would never get back most of my favorite CD's and my MP3 collection. But I just happened to check the lost and found on Tuesday and all the CD's were there! Thank you God!

I'm typing this at the library right now and I want to think I something to do cuz I was bored earlier. . .maybe I'll email Strongbad. That would be so cool to get my name on that site and be someone who had there email question/comment turned into a cartoon. Maybe I could email him that poem and say that strongbad inspired it.

Cartoon slime
surfing lobster

If I get any other Ideas I'll post them. I also have to figure out stuff that I'm going to do over the summer cuz I want to be active and use 99.9% of my free-time to do cool stuff.

Summer Stuff:
Pizza delivery to our house (Rosa's. . Monday night special)
Photography with Enterprise/send photos via email
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