Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Stock Market Game--Apple Stock

Several months ago, when people in our Junior class were participating in the stock market game,
I had a gut feeling that Apple would rise above it's share price of approx. $30.

That feeling was absolutely right!!!

In April or May of 2004 Apple was starting to climb over $30.

Now Apple stock is up to $80.90 per share!!

Buying only 1 share of stock would have made me almost $50. . . holy macaroni!!

The price started climbing in late October of 2004!!

Between 11/15/2004 to 11/22/2004 the stock went up $9 in just one week!!

Even in August of 2000 (stock market peak) It was worth a mere $60/share!!

Stocks were Jun 2000-August 2000.

Napster Stock is only $8 right now!!!. . . Maybe I should buy some. . .