Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cell Phone Radiation Side Effects

Long term? Yeah, probably there are some serious side effects, depending on the amount of usage. After all, you're holding an antenna right up to your head. I've heard the rumours of tumors, but all are not something I can confirm.


"forget the cell phone duck the microwave!"

Cell phones put out only a few hundred miliwats at best, your microwave puts out somewhere around 3000 times that and if you think they don't leak your badly mistaken.


"Mere Cell Phone Possession Can Be Harmful"

These are but a few examples of how radiation from cell phones in use lower the IQ of the user down to basic motor skills. Mere cell phone possession for some individuals can pose a public hazard. Radiation and EMR really do induce temporary stupidity, an effect that becomes cumulatively pronounced over time.

As with any addiction, the afflicted cell phone user suffers from the 'not me' syndrome, deluded into believing that they are actually OK.


You have a high powered transistor right next to your brain when talking on a cell phone.


The Body Absoarbs Radiation

I believe that there is some EMF radiation that is absorbed by the human body everytime we use a cell phone near our head.
please let me elaborate.

Several years ago, I had to do research regarding emf radiation because my former employer wanted to put radio antennaes inside of our police vehicles. The radios and antennaes were hooked up to a 1000 watt output amplifier. The resulting ouotput of 1000 watts of radiation (radiating) around inside of a metal police car, would be absorbed by the human body. (this because the body is mostly made up of water.)

Cell phones on the other hand do not have that much power, but given the fact that most cellphone users hold their phones up against their heads, their is a certain amount of radiation being put into the "head or body" of the user. What is the harm, is not totally known as yet, because cell phones are a relatively new addition to most peoples lives, and because of this fact, the long term effects are just not known! If people are really concerned, there are headsets, and other instruments that one perosn can purchase, which can substantially reduce or elliminate the EMF radiation that might be of harm. I am not saying that the danger is eliminated, but.... Like I said previously, the long term effects are not known, and I am not an expert in the field. I have however spoken with, and have the research to back up my words here. More research needs to be done, over the long term. This as yet has not been done.

Thanks for reading this. Please do as you see fit. Just remember what the drug and otr industries have given us over the years, and now we are finding out things that we wish we would have known before....
