Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Monday, September 25, 2006

How well do you really know me?

Some people think they know me, but can you answer most of these questions:

1) What TV show did I watch religiously as a kid?

2) Who were my two heroes growing up?

3) Who is my role model now?

4) Have I ever been in the hospital, and if so, for what?

5) What did my friends in high school make me self-conscious about?

6) What did my best friend's mom teach me how to do?

7) What Languages have I taken, and which is easier?

8) What's one thing I'm extremely afraid of?

9) What's my favorite subject?

10) What's an uncomfortable situation I found myself in college freshman year (a few possible answers)?

11) What's my favorite food?

12) What religious view do I think is very close-minded (FC's abb.)?

13) How many siblings do I have?

14) How often do I swear and for what excuses?

15) What are at least two of my pet peeves?

16) What two types of music do I tend to avoid like the plague?

17) What instrument am I currently learning? (if you know me in college. . .)

18) What profession / career do I want to have as a backup beyond photography?

19) Where was I almost born?

20) What did my parents almost name me? (I've only told a few people this.)

21) What voice impressions do I enjoy doing?

22) My favorite movie of all time (really easy if you know my personality.)

23) What group situation can throw me off guard.

24) What have I helped about 30 people setup in the past year?

25) What genre of movies do I avoid watching?

26) What is my nickname?

27) What do I have people call me when they first meet me?

28) Where do I work?

29) What are my favorite sports?

30) What sport do I not give a shit about?

31) What is my favorite board game?

More to come. . . if you have ideas--let me know.