Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Monday, June 04, 2007

DIY Passport Photos

PC Magazine Article for DIY Passport Photos
(From the Februrary 20, 2007 issue, p. 24)

Doing your own passport photography isn't hard, if you know and adhere to the guidelines. The U.S. Department of State requires duplicate 2- by 2-inch photos of you taken within the prior six months. Digital images are acceptable if they "have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like." Sounds simple enough, but here are some guidelines in case you want, as I did, to go it alone:

Use a decent digital camera with a strong flash and at least 5 megapixels.

Zoom in close enough to frame the head and shoulders.

Before resizing your image or cropping it, be sure that your subject's image has, as stipulated by the federal government, from 1 to 13/8 inches of space between the base of the chin and the top of the head.

Once you have a good 2-by-2 photo, paste it onto a new 4- by 6-inch canvas. You should be able to fit two of these images onto the page side by side.

Use a scissor or razor blade to cut right along the edge of the images, eliminating any white borders.—Lance Ulanoff

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

PC World - 15 Great Free Games

15 Great Free Games
Got a Minute? Then We've Got 15 Free Games for You!
If you have only a little time to waste, try out one of these 15 quick, simple, fun games.

PC World - Microsoft and Open Source Patents

FAQ: Microsoft and Open Source Patents
Microsoft for years has been bashing the open source community, and this latest move may well be the bloodiest battle yet.
- Article from PC World. May 14th, 2007.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

CSS and HTML Tutorial links

Instead of clogging up my Bookmarks Toolbar, here are some CSS/HTML Tutorial links:

CSS Tutorial starting with the basics (clean look)

HTML Tutorial on directories

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Photoshop Tutorials

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Wikipedia Pages

Music Notation Mnemonics

Base Clef

Lines, bottom to top

(Good Boys Don't Fight Anyone), and the spaces are A,C,E,G (All Cows Eat Grass).

Great Big Dreams For Australia
Great Bodies Deserve Full Attention
Grandma Brought Donuts For Alex

Some others:
All Cajuns Eat Gumbo

Found on:

Basic Musical Notation Guide


Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Keep Putting Condoms On For Great Sex
King Philip Could Only Find Green Socks
"King Phillip Cried Out, "For Goodness Sake!"

The phrase "We guarantee certainty, clearly referring to this light mnemonic." represents the speed of light in meters per second through the number of letters in each word: 299,792,458.

Mohs Scale of Hardness

Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Orthoclase, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond

Tall Gypsies Can Fight And Order Queens To Carry Diamonds
Tom Gave Candice Flowers After Obviously Questioning Their Child's DNA.
Tall Girls Can Flirt And Other Queer Things Castrate Donkeys

Elements in the Earth's Crust

Only Silly Asses in College Make Salmon Pies

The Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior form the word HOMES.

The order of the Great Lakes from west to east is Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario:

  • Sally Made Harry Eat Onions.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Educational Psychology Research Sources

Family influence on education

Federal Aid Money denied to students with Drug convictions (Standford University)

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Staying on Top of School work with problems at home (COAF Children of Alcoholics)

Family Issues and College Students (Wake Forrest)

Effects on Divorce on America (The Heritage Foundation)

Divorce: Ignoring the Cost (The Heritage Foundation)

Education Resources Information Center
( look under Family influence)

Education and Poverty (University of Wisconsin)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Spanish learning links

Most common used Spanish Words (in PDF, Word, and HTML format)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Multiple Intelligences Resources

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sheet Music Links

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

MSU Webpages

Buddism Teachings

The Five Precepts and the Parable about the monk that got drunk.

Good Moral Practice

On the face of it, he offers five abstentions - things to avoid doing. The first of these is to abstain from harming living beings. This includes human beings, animals and insects. This is why many (but not all!) Buddhists are vegetarians as the eating of meat involves the slaughter of animals. Interestingly, the Buddha, didn't forbid the eating of meat altogether. His monks were allowed to eat meat providing it hadn't been killed for them specifically. The second precept is to abstain from taking what is not given - stealing. The third precept is to abstain from sexual misconduct, such as being unfaithful to one's partner, involvement with prostitution or pornography or entertaining lustful thoughts. The fourth precept, abstaining from false speech, includes lying, tale-bearing, and gossiping. The fifth and final precept is to abstain from intoxicating drinks and drugs - of course, drugs taken for medicinal purposes are perfectly acceptable.

Breaking the Fifth Precept

One story from Mongolia warns of the dangers of breaking the fifth precept. A Buddhist lama (spiritual master) was traveling amongst the nomadic tribes. The people would give him food and lodging in exchange for his blessings. One evening he was offered lodging by a young woman who lived alone. She made it conditional that he would have to do one of three things: sacrifice a goat, sleep with his hostess or drink alcohol. He decided on the last of these options, thinking that drinking alcohol was the least harmful of the three. One drink led to another, however, and before long he was drunk. In this state, the sound of the goat started to annoy him so much that he went out and killed it, and when he woke up the next morning he found he had been to bed with the hostess!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Internet Explorer 7 lacks features for power users

(Actually Feb. 10th)

Here's a rundown of important features that are missing from Internet Explorer 7 that web developers, power users, or geeky types would find useful.

Internet Explorer 7 lacks:

- No syntax coloring / highlighting while view the source code of a webpage
- no keyboard shortcut to view the source of a webpage (Control + u) in Firefox
- The menu bar is hidden by default (this is just painful for users upgrading from IE 6)
- The home, reload, stop, and other menu buttons are no longer on the left hand side of the window

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Famous People Slideshow

Images for the the slideshow / quiz


Thomas Jefferson
Grover Clevland
William McKinley
Andrew Jackson
Gerald Ford
Ulysses Grant
George Washington
James Madison
Woodrow Wilson
John Quincy Adams
James Polk

Alexander Hamilton

Da Vinci
Martin Luther
Adam Smith - economist
Louis the XIV
John Calvin
Da Gama


Julius Caesar


St. Paul



Karl Marx
Frederick Douglass
John Hancock
Benedict Arnold

20th Century:

Malcom X
Marie Curie
Henry Ford
Queen Elizabeth I

Websites with Influential people lists:

The 100: The Ranking of the 100 most influential people

Thursday, November 09, 2006

MSU Teaching Minors

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hinduism and Christianity - Poles Apart or Parallel

Hinduism and Christianity - Poles Apart or Parallel

It details the parallels between Hinduism and Christianity aparent in the Gospel of Thomas and other parts of the Bible.