Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I saw a Camera lense today on that was a really long and inexpensive Nikon brand zoom lense.
Nikon 70-300 zoom $100 This would be a great lens to buy for extra zoom needs when necessary for wildlife or other jobs that require long zooms like basketball or football.
If I ever did any work for the Chronicle or the Enterprise, this would be an excellent low priced lense to use!

Nikon 60mm Macro F2.8 1:1 lens $350
Nikon 105mm F2.8 Micro Lens $530

Today I ordered 4 rolls of rilm from B&H Photo's Website. The total for the order
including shipping was $18.00 I purchased a roll of Fuji Provia, Kodak Tri-X 400,
and also Fuji Sensia. I guess after I test all the rolls, then I can determine which
is best for my photo purchases and most efficient for my current budget.

Tomorrow I have a history test on WWI and I think I'll do really good. All that still
needs to stick in my brain are the 9 parts to the treaty of Versailles and some
random names that relate to the war. Like the Red Baron's Name Manfred. . . .I
can't think of it now.

George Bush is giving a Speech on TV tonight. I think it's interesting how thousands
of people want him out of office. But some of them don't realize the reprocutions of
having a democrat in office. Yes, democrats do care about the environment, but John Kerry will raise taxes and a few other things.