Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Copying DVDs - tons of info

Upanishads on a poetry site

DVD Shrink - Rip and Burn DVDs

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Photoshop Tutorials

Converting to Black and White

1) Open your image in Photoshop
2) Go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate
3) if you don't like the way it looks in black and white, call me.

(Use this method if you want to put color back into the image).

To add color back to BW images:

1) use the Art History brush tool
(5th down from the right on the left-hand toolbar)
2) paint back in what you want to be in color
3) if you screw up, go to Edit > Step Backward

If you need the photo to have less contrast in Black and White, try the following
method instead.

1) Open your image
2) Go to Image > Mode > Grayscale

To Crop images:

1) use the cropping tool
(third down from the left on the toolbar)
2) draw a box around the area of the image that you'd like to keep
3) you can drag the edges of the cropping box to get it just right
4) hit 'enter' when you have selected the area of the photo you'd like to keep.

Song lyrics quotes

Relient K - In love with the 80's
and i've been working on this mustache all summer long

To live without you would only meen heartbreak for me.

Woke up in the morning. Put on my new plastic glove.
Served some re-heated salsbury steak with a little slice of love.
Got no clue what the chicken pot pie Is made of.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pantheism - cool word

Pantheism: The idea that all things are both a manifestation or revelation of God and a part of God at the same time. Pantheism was a common attitude in the early societies of Egypt, India, and Greece — the term derives from the Greek pan meaning "all" and theos meaning "deity." It later became a significant part of the Christian faith. William Wordsworth and Ralph Waldo Emerson are among the many writers who have expressed the pantheistic attitude in their works.

Deleting Saved passwords in Internet Explorer

How to delete saved passwords in Internet Explorer.

First go to the site where you would like to removed the saved username and password.

- Put your mouse in the box of the user ID.
- When your user ID is automatically show in the drop-down list, put your cursor over it.
- Press the DELETE key on your keyboard. Your ID and password will be removed from the list that Internet Explorer remembers.

Inventory computer hardware with a free script

Use this WMI management script to quickly log your computer's UserName, ComputerName, CPU Manufacturer and cpu speed to a text file. This script is very helpfull for large companies that need to inventory their desktop systems, but do not want to visit each computer!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Z Drive FTP access setup

Mozilla Calendar

Friday, September 16, 2005

Movies to see - Movie Rentals

Final Cut
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Erudition (erudite) - Word of the Day

Erudition: extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Some Good Jay Leno Monologues

Big sales at stores over the weekend. Bloomingdale's had the huge Paris Hilton sale – if you bought a mattress they threw in a free camcorder. Hell of a deal!

The White House Christmas tree was delivered this week. It’s an 18-foot-tall fir from Wisconsin. President Bush said just the sight of it gets him into the spirit of the season. You know, the logging season.

Microsoft says their new goal is to put a computer in every automobile. Apparently they are trying to create a car that crashes itself.

Headphones linked to Hearing Loss

Jay Leno Quotes

Monday, September 12, 2005

PCWorld - Top 10 17" LCD Monitors

Sweet PDA - Dell Axim X50v

Approx address of Mullan on Google Maps

This is the address to use if I need driving directions or distances to be shown with Google Maps.

709 W Harrison St, BOZEMAN, MT 59715

Jay Leno Monologue Archive

click on above link to get archives of Jay Leno, David Letterman, or Conan.

Quotes to add - Finding Forrester

Jamal: Women will sleep with you if you write a book?
Forrester: Women will sleep with you if you write a bad book.

: In some cultures it's good luck to be wearing something inside-out.
Jamal: And you believe that?
Forrester: No, but it's like praying: what do you risk?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

EBC PO Box 358

The mailing address to send stuff to Patrick or to EBC:

PO Box 358

Printing Codes & Purdue Writing Help (Thesis)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Dietary Guidelines for Religious ways

The following guidelines were compiled by the Alumni Relations Office based on feedback from various campus ministers and other sources. It should not be considered complete or authoritative, but would be useful if your student guest is observant to specific diets. We hope these guidelines would help hosts plan for an enjoyable and incident-free evening with these students.


There are no specific dietary laws in Catholicism except during the period of Lent. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (February 9, 2005) and ends on Easter Sunday. During Lent, practicing Catholics observe the laws of abstinence on Fridays. This means they are not allowed to consume any meat. Fish and other seafood, however, are acceptable.


Due to the different denominations in Judaism, hosts are advised to contact their student guests a few days before the appointed evening. The student should be able to tell you their level of kashrut, or their observance of Jewish dietary laws.

Alcohol can be served at the dinner table. Hosts may find the necessary kosher ingredients at the Food Co-op, Price Chopper, or Shaw’s.


Generally, there are two main prohibitions in Muslim dining: no pork or alcohol. Food served to Muslims should also not involve pork or alcohol in the cooking process. Hosts should also avoid serving food to Muslim students on solid silver tableware. Silver-plated items are fine though.

Muslims are also obliged to use halal meat in cooking. This means the animals from which the meat is obtained have been slaughtered according to Islamic law. Halal meats are difficult to obtain in the Upper Valley, but hosts can turn to fish, which is considered halal even without any special handling procedure.


All Hindus do not consume beef. However, dairy products from cows such as yogurt and milk are acceptable. Some Hindus also adhere to a strict vegetarian diet known as Sakahara. In these cases, eggs are considered meat products and are not consumed.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Links to Download Flash Videos

The End of the World (Flash Movie)
hella funny. . .

Bomb Saddam
"we'll lock him in prison with a love that is taboo"

Bhajan Music Online - including MP3s

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Day in Pictures

Day in Pictures

Some really amazing and inspiring photos!

Spacing Images with CSS

Using the DIV tag, Images have a 12 pixel space in all directions.
Which makes them appear to be in table cells, without being table cells.

Note: Dreamweaver doesn't show the space around the images while the pages
are being designed.

It works great in Firefox, but I may have to edit the CSS to make it
work right in IE!

#spacedimages img{
padding: 12px; }

I tested this out and it works great!

My testing:

Best Free Software

Current version should be used:

AVG anti-virus
Mozilla Firefox
Spybot Search and Destroy
Open Office (will be XML format soon)

Google Toolbar
Quintessential Player

Flash Movie Extract Pilot
J Disk Report
MW Snap

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Linux Commands

Most Used Commands for Linux (Servers)

cp (copies files)
mv (rename or move files)
rm (removes--deletes files)
chmod (changes permissions)

Explanation of essential and most used Linux commands

Explanation of Linux (Unix) Commands

ls -l this will list a directory and details about all the listed files

cd .. will go up a directory

cd \ will change to the highest level directory (root directory)

DOS Commands - most used


ren (rename)

Shopping List

Shopping List

* - Mouthwash
- Finger nail clipper?
- tie holder

Buy Online:

- Hidden messages from water (mom will buy from book club)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Websites to register - for profit

Atlantis Visions - (I registered on 9/3/2005).
Online Computer Lessons -
Spanish Night -
My Computer Lessons -
My Crazy Vacation -
Computer Know how -
Web Computer Lessons -
Finding the Truth -

Websites to register/tell others

Learn German -

There is a new top level domain for sites .web

Friday, September 02, 2005

Mass. to Dump Microsoft Office by 2007

Link to cool article that I found through Google News

Massachusetts to Dump Microsoft Office by 2007.

I think as time progresses, more businesses that are technically able, or have knowledgeable IT staff will be switching to open source to save hundreds or thousands of dollars on software licenses depending on the size of the business.

Create an Autoplay CD

How to Create An Auto-Play CD

PC Magazine 05.04.2004

The application CDs that you buy launch automatically, and your burned CDs can do the same. They can invoke a setup program or display an HTML page that links to the CD's contents. Use Notepad to create a three-line text file based on the lines below, and name it Autorun.inf. Place the file in the CD's root directory.




Replace setup.exe with the program that should launch when the CD is inserted, and replace icon.ico with the file containing the CD's icon. In both cases, be sure to omit the drive letter. If you want to launch a nonexecutable item like an HTML file, precede it with start.exe in the open= line. Note that all file links in the HTML file should be relative ones, omitting the drive letter.


open=start.exe index.html

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Speed up Adobe Acrobat 6 startup

PC Magazine had a very similar article, however I found this on by looking at Google's cache of the page.

(Easily reversible if you change your mind).

1) Start Adobe Reader. To turn off the splash screen go to Edit - Preferences - Startup then uncheck the box "Display Splash Screen". I also turn off "Show messages and automatically update".

2) Shutdown Adobe Reader. Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader (replace the C: if you installed on another drive).

3) Create a new folder called plug_ins_disabled or plug_ins_backup, your choice.

4) Move all the files and the folders (except three files see #5) from the plug_ins folder to the disabled or backup folder you just created.

5) Leave the following three files in the original folder, EWH32.api, search.api and search5.api, if you have them. [If you use adobe to print across the internet, leave in printme.api] [If you want the weblinks to work, leave in escript.ini and weblink.ini]
Now start Adobe Reader and enjoy the speed increase.

(Once again, If you change your mind, simply move all the files back.)

Link to the article on Pc Mag's website: Speed Loading of PDF files

PC Mag's article says to leave EWH32.api, printme.api, and search.api in the original folder.

Gandhi DVD on Ebay

Currently it would be much cheaper to buy the Gandhi DVD on ebay, or somewhere--searching tthrough Froogle, than it would be to buy it on Amazon.

As of 9/1/2005, Amazon's lowest price for the Gandhi DVD is $16 + shipping.

On ebay, there are a few auctions where the bidding is currently $1 and one that is $11.50.

The auction for the DVD currently at $0.99 ends Friday (tomorrow) at 11:25 MST.
Shipping is $5
Item #: 6428722312
(It's really cheap because the seller is not including a case for the DVD!!)

Auction ending on Friday, the 2nd at 7:59pm MST, currently also at $0.99.
Shipping is $5
Item number: 6428849443
(No DVD case is included.)

Revenge of the Sith on DVD November 1st

Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (Widescreen Edition) (2005)
will be released on DVD on November 1st, 2005.

DVD on Amazon