Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Comics daily and archives on My Yahoo
Dilbert, Tom Toles, and Frank and Ernest

Extract Flash files from Happy Tree Friends/upload to Briefcase.

Template for Sales Invoice:
Download Link

Excel Template that calculates the total
Download Link

Services Invoice with Hours and Rate
Download Link

Figure out which photos would work best as notecards and order some after
talking with mom.

Yahoo Photos

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Word has a several awesome and useful templates under File > New menu. Like templates for Resumes, Cover Letters, Enevelopes, and Mailing Labels, etc. I just need to find where I can make calendars!!!!
Well, another year of high school is already behind me. . .

Junior year was probably the best year so far. . .although sophmore year comes close with Alex M, Destin, Photography, and other great times.

Junior Year in Retrospect:

Quote: Great spirits often

I got a car.
I ate at Pizza hut about twice a month.
I got a job and started saving for a camera.
People respected me more and the junior class' "Bayard Appreciation day in May"
Alex, Hal and I argued over Gay marriage among other things.
Beth and Danielle have been great.
A few photos in the artshow and I appreciated the compliments.
Mr. Bausch was a great teacher, and World Today should be even better!
I finally picked up on my German roots. .
Spanish projects: Brochure, Goya Presentation, Honduras Presentation
Newspaper was great when I got to take photos and write articles about Tech stuff.
I helped Becky Dollins get Formal Photos and I should find them in the yearbook for next year!
I guess I was a computer geek.
I saw the Harry Potter movie and that day made me realize how much I need to improve my relationship with my brother.
I gave Meghan and Adam powerpoint, allowing them to make Presentations for the Spanish
Semester Exam!
I guess I was outspoken and should sometimes be more careful of my words around certain
Hopefully next year Octavia and Carmine will take me to Formal/Prom.
Hopefully I can take Anna!

Signing off. . June 9th 2004.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Summer Activities

Read Biography of Gandhi
Get experience with OS X
PHOTOGRAPHY (Work with Larry S. if possible)
Promote my PC Lessons business
Get good enlargements of my sunsets and other good Photos
Get the Photos framed and in the artwalks


- Parade with PHS Students


- Vacation to California (San Jose/Sacramento)
Jim's Wedding!!!

June 3rd 2004

Give Spanish Powerpoint presentation with Luke on Honduras
Download good freeware from
Copy pages of OS X Book
Make a backup of my Blewis account folder
Work on the Hamburg Powerpoint Show (Print out info)!!

Freeware to Get:

Mozilla Firefox 8.0
Virtual Dub
Fresh Diagnose 6.0