Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Summer Activities

Read Biography of Gandhi
Get experience with OS X
PHOTOGRAPHY (Work with Larry S. if possible)
Promote my PC Lessons business
Get good enlargements of my sunsets and other good Photos
Get the Photos framed and in the artwalks


- Parade with PHS Students


- Vacation to California (San Jose/Sacramento)
Jim's Wedding!!!

June 3rd 2004

Give Spanish Powerpoint presentation with Luke on Honduras
Download good freeware from
Copy pages of OS X Book
Make a backup of my Blewis account folder
Work on the Hamburg Powerpoint Show (Print out info)!!

Freeware to Get:

Mozilla Firefox 8.0
Virtual Dub
Fresh Diagnose 6.0