Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Control Clicking on a Mac will bring up the properties/right mouse click menu equivalent.
Alt+ Apple+Escape - will close a program.

For photo right now I need to bring in my slides to get enough points so that I can have an A+.
Today on the math "Quest" I think I did really well since I came in for help yesterday and this morning!
I'm finally starting to grasp the concepts of Derivates and Integrals (anti-derivatives). Thank You God!

I think having faith in myself and the God within me gave me the courage to come in, get help, and get on with the math.

Today a lady gave an intense and sad presentation about her daughter that died from Methamphetamine.
The only pathetic part was when hardly anyone stood up that promised to stop using alcohol and drugs.

Yesterday about 7 or 8 German wrestlers came to our class and we tried to talk to them a little bit.

Mr. McGrath had me get the German National Anthem since the German wrestlers will be competing tonight against Park High
It'll be funny if all the German guys beat all the Park High wrestlers.

The stock DHI seems to be doing quite well.