Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

"Drugs are not my Cup of tea" - Good Quote for a T-shirt that I thought of Junior year, but never took the initiative to create a T-shirt out of it. Right now I'm posting to my blog using an iMac in Ms. Evanson's room.

This year I might become proficient with Macs, but until that time, I shouldn't judge them too harshly, because they crash less and offer a less intimidating user interface for people who are new to computers.

Doña Abby might be a good PC client since I've helped her in the past and she sees me as a tech-savvy person.

If only I could be "Mac Savvy". . . . . .

Right now I just wish that Macs had a right mouse button. . . .control + Click

Book: 501 Spanish Verbs

That would be freakin' sweet to write an entire short story or manuscript on a Blog. . . just imagine. . although you'd be chained to a computer to do the writing. . .and spontaneous writing might not be produced as well.

I need to Stop cracking my nuckles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish Kacie Liked me as more than just a friend. . .or Tiffany. . or Destin. . but today in the hall, dejavu like last year. .
I was gazing at Alex M. as she walked down the hall and she sorta gazed back. . I love it. .

Tristan showed Danielle, Mr. Beland, and Kacie how to scan negatives and make 5 second adjustments that would take 10 or 15 minutes to finish in the darkroom. To top it all off, Danny and Kacie likek seeing the features and convenience of Shutterfly.

Dad had 3 internet orders yesterday, and a faxed order, making 4. That's sweet. . If his website ever really took off, then he would probably have anywhere from 2 orders a day to 10. Although If he started getting that many, he would have to hire more employees and we'd definitly have enough money to move into town.

Thank God for Weblogs. . thank you God for technology!!!!!!!

Right now I need to finish the site that has Jump Menus and reminded me to use layers!!!!

It's kinda sad that my generation has become so engrossed and desensitized to trashy music, it can honestly be stated that it takes much more talent to compose a symphony than to scream a heavy metal song. . .Hopefully people will change their attitudes about music soon. Well, this period and school are about over so i have to wrap it up.. .

Sunshine, on my shoulders makes me happy. . .