Bayard's Weblog!!!

My Weblog for Poetry, Quotes, Stuff to Do, ideas about life, and things I for some reason need to save for future reference

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"Love is the True nature of who we are."

10/6/04 5:03pm

An eternal vigilance
an eternal voice
guides my path
but does not tamper
with free will
for we all face choices
that involve good and evil
some are led astray
and others have left behind
their conscience
leaving their decisions
to be made by the human mind
and not the inner spirit.

"My shield of love and Spirit"

Your hateful words
bounce off me
like Ping-Pong balls
for I am the open door
which no man can shut
I love you
despite your arrogant words
Come out of your pain!
And open your heart and mind
to the peace, the calm, the light
of Spirit.
Breathe in the new day!

"To be and not to be"

I can't pretend
to know what you've been through
or how you sleep restless nights
I am not trying to judge you
but only show you the possibility
of a new you
You are not your pain.
You are the love and friendship
of many fulfilling days
You are not your worries
You are here. You are NOW.


Ode to Kacie Q.

my spirit's always dancing
in your company
and my heart keeps wanting to see
what ideas you have
about me
your smile makes me tingle inside
in time
maybe we'll share our feelings


Society divides
organized religion divides
government can divide
where is the unity?
the greatest strength
we posses as a people....

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. . .

Tao of time
Tao of Rhyme
Tao of prime
Tao of response time
Tao of sublime
Tao of spare time
Tao of one at a time
Tao of in due time
Tao of present time

Dreamlike state
but readily alert
restful state
but agile thought
a great way to relax